
Madness.  I’m not too far off from there, you know?  I’ve been admitted to psychiatric hospitals before.

All I have is knowledge, and I have little.

All I have is my mind, of which I am losing.

I admire the genius in others, though I understand not in my stupidity.  I especially admire the healthy 5s, in my bias.  I am the runt of the pack; I admire from afar.

You must think I’m intelligent for I am INTJ and a 5.  I am far from it.

The game Orwell was an interesting play.  It made me think about what could be gleaned and twisted from this blog, especially when my innermost thoughts are written here.  I’ve always been conscious of, cautious, and deliberate with my words — always am.

You might wrongfully assume I’ve read George Orwell’s 1984.  I’ve neither the capacity nor the concentration to consume and comprehend it.

I am drawn to intellect, and that’s as far as I’ll get.