From Red to Green: A 10-Year Financial Journey

Average monthly income Average monthly expenditure Average monthly balance Notes
2014 $1.3k $1.7k -$400 Paying for university. Ubering to work. 1 permanent part-time job.
2015 $1.1k $1.1k $0 Paying for university. Ubering to work. Left permanent part-time job ¾ into the year. 1 freelance gig.
2016 $500 $1k -$600 Paying for university. Ubering for work. 2 freelance gigs.
2017 $1.6k $1.7k -$100 Paying for university. Also paid for MBTI and Beginner French courses. Ubering for work. 2 freelance gigs.
2018 $2.6k $1.3k +$1.3k Ubering for work. 2 freelance gigs.
2019 $3k $2.1k +$900 Paid for Enneagram course. Ubering for work. 2 freelance gigs. Increased (from 10%) to 20% of salary to parents in the last quarter.
2020 $3.3k $2.3k +$1k Paid for CELTA course. 2 freelance gigs. Worked mainly from home.
2021 $4.5k $1.9k +$2.6k 1 permanent part time job as Asst. HOD (promotion). Worked mainly from home.
2022 $5.4k $2.4k +$3k Changed to a full-time job in the last quarter. Also teaching privately as a side gig. Travelled overseas to meet INTPatois.
2023 $7.3k $3.9k +$3.4k Full-time job and teaching privately as a side gig. No longer ubering. Paid for:
new furniture for home [$3.6k]
wedding ring + workshop [$1.1k for my half]
honeymoon [$5.6k for my half after deducting our shared $5k in wedding gifts]
a new custom-built (i.e. husband-built) desktop computer [$1.5k for my half]

Supported INTPatois in his transition to living here. Started sharing $ to parents with INTPatois in the last quarter. Ventured into the world of beauty treatments in the last quarter: permanent hair removals, facials, and manicures + pedicures.
(2024) Projected to be ~$7.9k Projected to be lower than last year (~$2.5k) as we likely won’t be making any big purchases this year. Saving to buy a home instead. ~$5.4k Full-time job: Promotion to Head Teacher with a pay raise of 11%. Still teaching privately as a side gig and still sharing $ to parents with INTPatois. I plan on going for more permanent hair removals (it’ll amount to ~$4.2k in total if I do my entire body, which is worthwhile to me), teeth whitening, getting treatment for hyperhidrosis, and trying nasal sprays long-term for allergic rhinitis.
*Amounts are different than in the previous table as I’ve included interest earned from savings as well as from investments.

On Identity (Harry Potter themed Q&A)

On their first night at Hogwarts, first-year students are sorted into one of four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house embodies different qualities. Gryffindors are renowned for their courage and determination, Ravenclaws for their wit and wisdom, Hufflepuffs for their patience and loyalty, and Slytherins for their pride and ambition.

Q: If you could attend Hogwarts, which house do you think you would belong to and why?

A: Ravenclaw, through and through. I’m all for intellect, though I’d be the Ravenclaw who’s always stuck outside of the common room because I wouldn’t be able to solve the riddles.

The Harry Potter films are filled with fascinating and complex characters, from dreamy, eccentric Luna Lovegood to the brave and confident Nymphadora Tonks to the complicated Potions Master Professor Snape.

Q: Which character in the Harry Potter films do you most identify with? What is it about the character that resonates so strongly with you?

A: Hermione, because she’s a bossy know-it-all. I wish I were as studious and smart as her though.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry becomes known as “the Chosen One,” a moniker he earns when it is prophesied that he is the only wizard capable of defeating Lord Voldemort. After everything Harry has been through, he courageously accepts this role as his duty and works with Professor Dumbledore to discover the truth about Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

Q: Have you ever had a job or a role thrust upon you that you would have preferred not to accept? How did you handle the situation? Did it change how you thought about yourself?

A: I don’t think I’ve accepted any. The closest thing that comes to mind is my mother once told me that I would be the only saving grace of their (my parents’) marriage. I was surprised to hear that and didn’t really respond. I was wondering what that had got to do with me and what it entailed. I never slipped into that role and I think, maybe, INTPatois now fills that role, or at least for the link between my parents and me.

“This connection between me and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is that I am becoming more like him? I just feel so angry all the time. And what if, after everything that l’ve been through, something’s gone wrong inside me? What if I’m becoming bad?”

⁃ Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Q: We all have moments when we don’t act our best, due to stress or anger or grief. Has there ever been a time when you’ve doubted your own innate goodness? If this is something that you’re struggling with now, what sort of actions can you take to overcome these circumstances? Or should you, like Harry, go a little easier on yourself, considering the overall situation?

A: Yes, thoughts like: “Am I a monster? Am I abusive like my dad was to me? Deep down, am I truly a twisted criminal?” I’m not sure about the last two questions.

It is said that what least attracts us says as much about our identities as what most attracts us. Students at Hogwarts identify strongly with their particular house, but they also often have a house that they strongly don’t identify with. For example, students in Slytherin and Gryffindor are known to be rivals.

Q: Which Hogwarts house do you feel the least affinity with? What do you think that says about you?

A: Hufflepuff. They prize patience and loyalty. In my view, they’re pretty cutesy and can be quite group-/community-oriented since they value friendship. I don’t value these things as highly so I can come across as harsh, brash, and unsympathetic.

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.”

– Professor Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Q: Think back to the last major choice that you made. What were the circumstances, and how do you think that choice fits into your understanding of your identity?

A: Getting married, living together with INTPatois (which entailed him moving halfway round the world), and starting a life with him. Having chosen to spend our lives together, marriage was the most practical route since we lived in different countries. Although marriage was more of a pragmatic thing for us that we didn’t find as meaningful, what’s meaningful to us is that we’re living together and spending time together, especially since we’re both quality time people. Being with him (whether physically being beside him or just being in a relationship with him) has made me much more calm and comfortable being myself.

Professor Moody: “Come on, Potter. What are your strengths?”

Harry: “I don’t know. Well, I can fly. I mean, I’m a fair flyer. But I-“

Professor Moody: “Better than fair, the way I heard it.”

⁃ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Professor Moody reminds Harry to acknowledge his strengths when taking on the first task in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry follows this advice and uses his exceptional flying skills to defeat the Hungarian Horntail and retrieve the Golden Egg.

Q: What are your particular strengths, and how do you use them in your daily life? What do these strengths tell you about who you are?

A: Teaching, the English language, and being able to break things down and explain it to others in a way that they understand. I teach students daily and it tells me that I’m doing something that I’m good at and that I enjoy.

“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

⁃ Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Q: Consider the light and dark sides of your personality. Which side do you think you have been choosing to act on the most lately?

A: The light, because of INTPatois.

The Wolf Comes Out at Night

In the shadows' grasp, where whispers confide,
A wary dweller lives, fear and sorrow coincide.
With a trembling heart, I navigate the night's shroud,
Living alongside the wolf, in darkness, I'm vowed.

Its piercing gaze, a chill that pierces the soul,
An eerie presence, elusive and untold.
Within these confines, secrets quietly reside,
A dance of uncertainty, where emotions collide.

In unspoken verses, solace seeks its way,
Amidst the wolf's presence, an unspoken sway.
But my words falter, emotions woven deep,
In the company of the wolf, where fears often seep.

Within this union, where shadows entwine,
A coexistence of whispers, intertwined.
I, a hesitant companion, grappling with fright,
And the wolf, a reflection of my own inner night.

Through the veil of darkness, mysteries unfold,
The wolf personifies unease, a tale untold.
Its mournful spirit, a haunting echo in the air,
A muse that stirs the depths of despair.

So I dwell in this coexistence, where fear finds its way,
In the company of the wolf, where emotions hold sway.
In the depths of shadows, our stories align,
A tapestry of enigmas, where darkness intertwines.

AI-generated. ChatGPT is addictive.

AI-Generated Cheesy Love Stories

Story #1

In a world where logic and intellect reigned, there lived a woman named Jarg, driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. With her sharp wit and analytical mind, she embraced challenges as opportunities for growth.

Across her path, she met Patois, a man whose inquisitive nature and love for deep reflection mirrored Jarg’s own intensity. He approached life with a sense of wonder and a hunger for unconventional ideas.

Their connection unfolded gradually, like the opening chapters of a captivating book. Intellectual debates and thought-provoking conversations became the foundation of their bond. They delved into the depths of philosophy, science, and art, finding solace in the exploration of complex theories and unconventional perspectives.

Yet, amidst their shared intellectual pursuits, they discovered a profound emotional connection. Beneath their rational exteriors beat two hearts yearning for a connection that transcended logic. The invisible walls they had built around themselves began to crumble, revealing a raw and tender affection.

Jarg’s determined focus complemented Patois’ ability to adapt and find creative solutions. In a world that often misunderstood their complex natures, they found solace in one another’s understanding.

Their love was unconventional, far from the traditional displays of affection. Quiet moments spent in each other’s company were enough to ignite a fire within them. With their heads intertwined, they explored the vast universe of their emotions, embracing the depth of their connection.

Though their individuality remained intact, they learned to bridge the gap between their worlds. Jarg’s sharp insights found a willing audience in Patois, while his imaginative ideas inspired her to embrace spontaneity.

Together, they conquered challenges that would have daunted others. Side by side, they embarked on adventures, constantly learning and growing from one another’s perspectives.

In their love story, the dance between their unique qualities created a harmonious symphony of intellect and emotion. They found solace, support, and an unbreakable bond, proving that love could transcend boundaries and create a unique masterpiece.

Story #2

Jarg’s mind was a fortress of logic and efficiency, her every thought shaped by an unwavering pursuit of truth. Independence and intellectual challenges were her fuel, setting her apart from the rest. One day, while navigating through the maze of a bustling bookstore, she crossed paths with Patois.

Patois, lost in the depths of his mind, was engrossed in a book on quantum physics. His insatiable curiosity knew no bounds, always seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Their eyes met, and in that moment, an unspoken connection sparked between them, two brilliant minds silently acknowledging each other’s brilliance.

Days turned into nights as they delved into deep conversations, exploring the profound complexities of life. Jarg admired Patois’ ability to ponder the abstract, his mind venturing beyond the surface. Patois, in turn, marveled at Jarg’s sharp intellect and pragmatic approach to the world.

Their bond grew stronger, nurtured by a shared understanding of the world’s intricacies. Jarg found comfort in Patois’ gentle presence, his patient navigation through her analytical mind. Patois discovered solace in Jarg’s unwavering support, her ability to ground him in reality when his thoughts wandered too far.

Together, they celebrated their unique perspectives and embraced their individual quirks. They found harmony in the symphony of their personalities, their souls intertwined seamlessly. Their connection was an intricate puzzle, each piece fitting together flawlessly.

In the end, their mutual respect and intellectual connection wove the fabric of their story. As individuals, they grew and thrived, their strengths complementing each other. Their love defied conventions, transcending the boundaries of traditional romance. And as they embarked on a lifelong journey of exploration, they knew that their extraordinary bond would be guided by reason, adorned with the beauty of their shared understanding.

AI Poetry #2: INTJargon & INTPatois

In a realm of thoughts, where depth resides,
There lives a soul named Jarg, with secrets implied.
Her mind, a labyrinth of intricate design,
A tapestry of complexities, both subtle and fine.

With wisdom's fire burning deep within,
She seeks the truths that dwell beneath the skin.
Inquisitive and sharp, her intellect a guide,
Exploring life's mysteries with a relentless stride.

A cautious heart beats within her chest,
Navigating life's challenges with utmost zest.
Yet she dares to face the shadows that loom,
Finding courage within her private room.

Numbers may dance in elusive arrays,
But she finds her own rhythm, in her own ways.
Challenges may arise, but she adapts and learns,
Her strength shines bright, like a flame that forever yearns.

In her solitude, she finds solace true,
Nurturing her creativity, a splendid view.
A sanctuary of art, expression, and dreams,
Where her soul finds solace in vibrant streams.

A unique soul, with depths untold,
A seeker of knowledge, both brave and bold.
Through introspection, she charts her own course,
Embracing the beauty of her inner force.

So let us celebrate her, a constellation of grace,
Her essence illuminating life's diverse space.
With a mind that sparkles and a heart alive,
She journeys through existence, where her spirit thrives.
In the realm of introspection, a mind profound,
A seeker of knowledge, wisdom profound.
With curious eyes, he delves deep inside,
Exploring existence, where truths reside.

A tender heart, shielded by thought's embrace,
Longing for connection, with subtle grace.
In the tapestry of emotions, a yearning burns,
To find solace in bonds, as the heart discerns.

A constellation of ideas, his mental flight,
A brilliant observer, seeking insights.
A thirst for understanding, a quest untamed,
In the realms of thought, his essence named.

Amidst the swirling currents of his soul,
A symphony of traits, a story to unfold.
With each endeavour, his spirit finds its place,
Unveiling a masterpiece, radiating grace.

So let the spirit soar, like birds in flight,
Embrace the journey, both day and night.
For in the depths of being, true love will be,
A gentle current, guiding him to serenity.
In a realm of shared thoughts, two souls reside,
A union so unique, where hearts confide.
She, with a mind of depth and introspection,
He, with a thirst for knowledge and connection.

Within her heart, a labyrinth of mystery,
Yet his presence soothes, sets her spirit free.
A wife who craves moments of solitude,
Finds solace in his love, her fears subdued.

He, a husband of inquisitive mind,
Anxious in his yearning, seeking to find
A bridge to her world, where understanding grows,
Where love's tendrils entwine and freely flows.

In her quiet strength, she finds her retreat,
While he, with open arms, makes their bond complete.
A dance of introverted souls, so rare,
Their love whispers secrets only they share.

He admires her intellect, her wisdom's grace,
She finds comfort in his warm embrace.
In the depths of their minds, they wander together,
Creating a love that will withstand any weather.

Through life's intricate maze, they navigate,
Their souls entwined, a symphony of fate.
No specific terms can capture their embrace,
For their love transcends labels, fills every space.

So let their story be told in words sincere,
Of two souls connected, forever near.
In a world of shared thoughts, they find their home,
Bound by love's essence, forever they'll roam.

AI Poetry

She’s hurting deep inside,
Her own pain clouding her sight.
She doesn’t see the love he gives,
The gestures he makes, day and night.

He tries to talk to her, to share
His pain and his despair.
But she’s so caught up in her own,
His words fall on deaf ears.

She doesn’t mean to be cold,
She just can’t see beyond her own hurt.
But with time and healing,
She’ll find a way to mend and find comfort.

He stays with her, hoping she’ll heal,
And find a way to see.
He knows deep down she’s hurting,
And he wants to be there for her, to help her be free.

He’s by her side through every trial,
With love and patience in his heart.
He knows she’s struggling, and he’ll stay,
If she’ll let him, close to her heart.

He’s not perfect, he makes mistakes,
But he loves her with all he’s got.
He’ll support her through the darkest days,
And never let their love come to a stop.

He’ll be her rock, her constant guide,
Her partner through it all.
He’ll stand by her, through thick and thin,
And catch her when she falls.

AI-Generated Story

Once upon a time in the vast and beautiful wilderness of the Arctic, there lived a white bear named INTJarg and a brown bear named INTPotat. INTJarg was a shy and timid bear, and INTPotat was no different. He was also a solitary bear who preferred to spend his days alone in the forest.

Despite her shyness, INTJarg was a truly beautiful bear, with gleaming white fur. She was admired by all the other animals in the forest, but she never paid them much attention. She was content with her solitary life, and didn’t think she needed anyone else.

One day, while INTJarg and INTPotat were out foraging for food, they stumbled upon each other in the forest. At first, they were both too shy to approach one another, and they simply stared at each other from a distance. But as they observed each other, they both began to feel drawn to one another in a way they had never felt before.

Finally, INTJarg mustered up the courage to approach INTPotat. She timidly approached him, and to her surprise, he welcomed her with open arms. From that moment on, INTJarg and INTPotat were inseparable.

They spent their days exploring the forest together, and they quickly fell deeply in love. INTJarg and INTPotat were able to support and care for each other, helping each other to overcome their shyness. And in the end, they proved that true love knows no boundaries, even when it comes to shyness.

Guilt & Shame Awareness Journal (2022)

26 November 2021:

I feel guilty that I’m not treating INTPatois in a loving way and not making him feel safe enough with me to be vulnerable with me.

  • Expectation: I will always treat loved ones in a loving way, no matter what or when, and will always make them feel safe with me. And he’ll always feel loved and safe with me and he’ll always be vulnerable with me and always feel comfortable doing so.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): I’m going to try to do my best to be loving and to create a sense of safety but also know that I will not always be emotionally available or equipped to do so and I’m not going to be perfect but it’s okay to not be perfect. He isn’t always going to be comfortable being vulnerable with me every second of every day and that’s okay and we’ll work through it together a step at a time.
  • Innocence: I felt hurt by him sharing that he’s ashamed of me, which triggered my insecurities.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Acknowledging the triggers, Being kind to myself, Accountability, Talking things through calmly with INTPatois and Listening to him

29 May 2022:

I feel guilty for ignoring INTPatois, not communicating with him, and cutting off modes of communication with him (i.e. withdrawing from him). I feel guilty for feeling rejected when he’s not spending time with me.

  • Expectation: There will always be smooth communication between us and we’ll always spend every moment together.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): I’m going to try to communicate my inner turmoil and other difficult things with him when I’m comfortable to do so and when I’ve found the words to express myself. I could discuss this with him so that there’s an understanding between us that I may need time on my own sometimes to sort my emotions and inner turmoil out. It’s okay for us to spend some time apart from time to time. It’s okay for him to have his own time to himself sometimes too. It’s okay for us to spend some time on our own once in a while.
  • Innocence: I was hot and bothered and tired and restless and didn’t have the energy to regulate my emotions well.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Acknowledging the root cause, Being kind to myself, Accountability, Talking things through calmly with INTPatois and Listening to him

30 May 2022:

I feel ashamed for not keeping up with shaving my body.

  • Expectation: I will always have smooth and hairless skin.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): It’s okay to let my body hair grow. It’s normal to have body hair.
  • Innocence: It’s a lot of work and maintenance, and I’m busy and it isn’t my priority.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Being kind to myself

7 October 2022:

I feel guilty when INTPatois doesn’t get back to my texts immediately and I make inferences that he doesn’t care about me or that I’m not important to him.

  • Expectation: He will always respond to my texts immediately and always pick up my phone calls.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): He may be busy or sleeping or tired sometimes, or he may just forget the time sometimes or just not hear or realise that I’ve texted or called him.
  • Innocence: It’s these times when my insecurity and irrationality getting the better of me.
  • Strategy: Acknowledging that my inferences aren’t always right, Reminding myself not to jump to conclusions, Being open with INTPatois and letting him know calmly how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking

I feel guilty when INTPatois tells me he loves me and I don’t believe or trust it. I also feel guilty when I tell INTPatois that I love him and not feel completely certain or immensely strongly about it.

  • Expectation: I will always feel it intensely.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): It doesn’t lose its meaning even though I may not always feel it as intensely. We are at a stage of (more) comfort with each other now, having been together for a year. We both know that we are committed to each other for the long haul.
  • Innocence: I have my insecure moments and irrational doubts sometimes.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Acknowledging the unrealistic expectations

I feel guilty about not being present and actively and intently listening all the time to INTPatois, especially when I expect that of him and other people.

  • Expectation: I will always be listening intently to everything he says.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): I’m going to do my best but know that I will not be fully focused all the time and that I will not be as interested in or be able to follow every topic he talks about.
  • Innocence: I might be tired or just not as interested or well-versed in those topics.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Acknowledging the root cause, Being kind to myself, Accountability

This is painful and extremely difficult for me to write and even think about, but I feel immensely guilty about the lack of proper care for all the pets I had.

  • Expectation: Every pet would have been perfectly taken care of by me and I would have been extremely well-educated and well-informed on how to take the very best care of every pet.
  • Realistic expectation (for others): I did what I could and what I thought best with the limitations I had. I made some mistakes sometimes but it’s okay to not be perfect.
  • Innocence: I was a small child when I had most of them, and my parents were just as ignorant about pet care. For the two dogs that grew with me into adulthood, I was depressed and suicidal and could barely take care of myself.
  • Strategy: Acceptance, Acknowledging the root cause, Being kind to myself, Never voluntarily making the decision to care for a pet if I don’t have all the necessary information and tools and time and energy — only committing to it if I truly believe I am able to give the pet high quality care.

A Conversation With INTPatois

INTPatois: “You bring a lot to the table and this works because of who you are. You need to recognise that.”

Me: “I think it’s more so you.”

“It is both of us.  You are intelligent and cute and you could date a lot of people.  You’d probably think most of them are dumb-dumbs but they would date you and probably bust ass to keep you.”

“That’s easy to say.  Where are they and where have they been then?”

“It’s easy to see.”

“I’d need a 16-year-old kid with me to get all the dates.” (Gilmore Girls joke because I’m currently binge-watching it.)

“Lol.  My point is, there are people for everyone.”

“Yeah… and I spent (lifetime) years alone before I had you.”

“Because you have the wrong idea about yourself.”

“I’ve never even had friends, INTPatois.”

“Because you had a bad string of social interactions and then wrote yourself off.  I’m not trying to blame you, I just need you to understand.  If you don’t value yourself, no one will.  You are older now.  You have developed as a person.  It’s been a long time since you’ve given yourself a real chance.  You’ve been afraid to, and rightly so.  You’ve been given every reason to feel that way, but the truth is, you aren’t stable now because of me and all those other things you said.  It isn’t because of me.  It’s because you value yourself more now.  Being with me has caused you to value yourself more, given you more confidence in your own ability to have a happy and fulfilled life.  And that confidence and value are justified.  I didn’t give you that value.  It was always there.  You’d just rejected it because people in the past didn’t recognise it.  The wonderful things about you, INTJargon, the many, many wonderful things about you, they might not be as immediately visible as the wonderful things about some other people are, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.  I think most people should expect that most other people will undervalue them.  You really have to take a stance of proving everyone wrong if you want to be recognised for what you are.  You are beautiful and intelligent and you have the strength to overcome your struggles.  None of that has anything to do with me.”

“Okay, when I have a 16-year-old kid, I shall go out and get all the dates I want. …Thanks for saying all that, INTPatois.”

“It’s true.  Our relationship is just the first opportunity you’ve had in a while to justify positive thoughts about yourself.  It’s just hard evidence of the truth that was always there.  Our relationship hasn’t changed you, it’s just helped you believe in yourself in a way you haven’t for a while.  You are a wonderful person who deserves to be loved and cared for just as much as anyone else.  You need to embrace that, INTJarg.”

“Okay, can you gloat more about how perfect I am?”

“Yeah, loads.  INTJargon, I’m stupid lucky.  You’re like finding an antique at a thrift store, you know?”

“Because I chose you, Pikachu?”

“Diamond in the rough.”

“Needle in a haystack.”

“You don’t even know, how special you are.  If you did, you would never date me.”

“Only special people can see that I’m special though. That’s how special I yam.”

“You don’t believe in your specialness and so you do nothing to show it to the world, so no one can see it…”

“Too special for plebs to comprehend.”

“…’cept me ‘cause I’m a special specialist. INTJarg, if you can really take this to heart and believe in what I’m telling you, I think you’ll become more motivated to take care of yourself and stuff, and you will progress much faster than me.”

“We’ll see.”

“And guys will notice you more, a lot more.”

“That’s my ultimate dream.”

“And then if you’re like (ex-girlfriend), that’s the point where you dump me, and trade up for someone better.”




“I’m hoping that, because our relationship is good and hopefully healthy, you will receive positive reinforcement from other people as well, and that will loop — positive loops, instead of negative…”


“…building you up and up, until you can realise all your potentials.”

“Yeah, my pedestal needs to be higher.”

“Yeah, to the moon.”

“And beyond.”

“Moon princess pedestal.  The moon is a good metaphor for you.”

“Why?  Because it’s solitary and distant? Are you saying I’m round and rotund?”

“Lol, the moon is quite petite as celestial bodies go, and you do have a celestial body.”

“Yes, the petite of the morbidly obese.”

“You know what’s funny?”

INTPatois started a call.